What is Kristallkalk?

Kristallkalk is a foliar fertilizer obtained from natural Austrian limestone using a special manufacturing process (crystallization).
The crystallization process produces extremely small, needle-shaped calcium carbonate crystals (CaCO3). This special structure and the enormously high fineness (grain size 1.5 µm = 0.0015 mm) are the basis for the unique selling point of crystal lime in contrast to conventional, ground products.

What does Kristallkalk look like?

Kristallkalk is a very fine, light, white powder. Kristallkalk can be dispersed very well in water.

How does Kristallkalk work?

Kristallkalk reflects part of the sunlight and thus protects the leaf from overheating the photosynthesis rate remains stable even on hot days the yield increases. Kristallkalk = “sunscreen” for plants.

Increase in drought stress tolerance

Due to the cooling effect of crystal lime, the plant needs less water to regulate the leaf temperature.
This makes it easier to survive dry periods.

Mechanical barrier

Kristallkalk forms a mechanical barrier on the leaf surface against damaging environmental influences. This remains in place throughout the season, as crystal lime is hardly washed off by rain.

Calcium foliar fertilizer

Due to the high fineness, Kristallkalk can easily penetrate the leaf and provide needed calcium during demand peaks.

How is Kristallkalk used?

With any conventional crop protection sprayer

Kristallkalk is sprayed onto the crop plants using conventional crop protection sprayers. It is important to achieve the highest possible degree of wetting. The application is made several times per growing season. In this way, the additional grown leaf mass is also protected and a continuous supply of calcium is ensured. The use of a wetting agent is recommended.

How is Kristallkalk filled into the crop protection sprayer?

Kristallkalk is simply filled continuously into the filling sluice of the crop protection sprayer and flushed in. The agitator should be switched on continuously to ensure uniform dispersion of the powder.

As another option, Kristallkalk can be dispersed with water in a suitable container under constant stirring and then filled into the sprayer.

Does Kristallkalk mix well with water?

YES! Kristallkalk mixes very well and easily with water. Kristallkalk does not float on the water surface and does not foam!

Does Kristallkalk settle in the sprayer?

If the agitator of the sparyer is constantly switched on, there will be no settling of Kristallkalk in the sprayer.

Mixability of Kristallkalk?

Kristallkalk can be mixed with many common foliar fertilizers and crop protection products. The miscibility must be tested in advance. To ensure the best possible wetting of the leaf mass, the use of a wetting agent is recommended.

How is Kristallkalk supplied?

Kristallkalk is available in 25 kg paper bag.

Where is Kristallkalk produced?

Kristallkalk means 100% Austria.
Austrian limestone from the limestone Alps is processed and packaged in Austria.

In which cultures is Kristallkalk used?

Kristallkalk is used for all arable crops, grassland, as well as in vegetable, fruit and wine growing and applied by means of a crop protection sprayer.

Traktor mit Pflanzenschutzspritze beim Ausbringen von Kristallkalk

Recommended application rates

The basic recommendation for all crops is to wet the entire plant with Kristallkalk throughout the entire growing season, including all parts that are growing. This ensures a continuous supply of calcium and continuous protection against damaging environmental influences.

Generally for all arable crops:

Important when applying:

  • Use wetting agent
  • Recommended pressure: min. 4-5 bar
  • Double flat spray nozzles
  • Application on the dry crop, if possible
  • fine droplets, evenly distributed on the entire leaf surface
  • when using pH reducer: first stir in crystal lime, then pH reducer

2-3 % in the spray broth (4-10 kg) two to four times per growing season

– 200 l spraying broth/ha: 3 % = 6 kg/ha Kristallkalk

– 300 l spraying broth/ha: 2,5 % = 7,5 kg/ha Kristallkalk

– 400 l spray liquid/ha: 2 % = 8 kg/ha Kristallkalk

– 500 l spray liquid/ha: 2 % = 10 kg/ha Kristallkalk

1. treatment
at 2-4 leaf stage
2. treatment at 7-8 leaf stage or as late as possible
3. treatment at the beginning of panicle pushing, if stilt tractor is available

1. treatment
end of tillering
2. treatment end of shooting
3. treatment when flag leaf fully developed

1. treatment at the 3-6 leaf stage
2. treatment just before flowering

Winter oilseed rape:
1. treatment both cotyledons fully developed and/or in 2-4 leaf stage if necessary
2. treatment beginning shooting (February-March)
further treatment every 2-4 weeks until harvest

Sugar beet:
1. treatment both cotyledons fully developed and/or in 2-4 leaf stage if necessary
2. treatment at row closure
further treatment every 2-3 weeks until harvest

1. treatment at 4-9 leaf stage
2. treatment beginning stand closure
further treatment every 1-2 weeks until harvest

Generally for all grassland crops:
2 % in the spray broth (4-10 kg)
between each cut, height of growth about 15 cm.

– 200 l spray liquid/ha: 4 kg/ha Kristallkalk